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John Sidney McCain III 1936 - 2018

Senator John McCain's remarkable record of leadership embodies his unwavering lifetime commitment to service. The son and grandson of distinguished Navy Admirals, Senator McCain graduated from the Naval Academy in 1958, and served as a Naval aviator for 22 years, including in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

On October 26, 1967, during Senator McCain's 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam, a missile struck his plane and forced him to eject, knocking him unconscious and breaking both his arms and his leg.

Senator McCain was taken as a prisoner of war into the now-infamous "Hanoi Hilton," where he was denied needed medical treatment and subjected to years of torture by the North Vietnamese. He spent much of his time as a prisoner of war in solitary confinement, aided by his faith and the friendships of his fellow POWs.

When he was finally released and able to return home years later, Senator McCain continued his service by regaining his naval flight status.

His last Navy duty assignment was to serve as the naval liaison to the United States Senate. He retired from the Navy in 1981. His naval honors include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, and the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Senator McCain was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona in 1982 and elected to the United States Senate in 1986. He was the Republican Party's nominee for president in the 2008 election.

Over the course of his career, Senator McCain served as Chairman of the Senate Committees on Indian Affairs, Commerce, Science and Transportation, and most recently, Armed Services.

Senator McCain is survived by his wife, Cindy, seven children and five grandchildren.
He was laid to rest at the U.S. Naval Academy Cemetery in Annapolis, Maryland.

Memorials and Services

There will be memorial events celebrating the life of Senator John Sidney McCain III in Arizona and Washington, D.C.
Please see below for more information:

The Story of John Sidney McCain III

U.S. Senator John Sidney McCain III was born on August 29, 1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone to Lieutenant John S. "Jack" McCain Jr. and Roberta Wright McCain. The son and grandson of four star admirals, he was raised in the navy and in a tradition of military service that began before the American Revolution.

His grandfather, John S. McCain Sr., called "Sid" or "Slew," was the first of the family to attend the United States Naval Academy, and the first to become a naval aviator, earning his wings at the age of fifty. As a passed midshipman, he served in the Philippines on a gunboat skippered by Chester Nimitz, and sailed home to America on the flagship of Teddy Roosevelt's "Great White Fleet." The Senator's colorful great uncle, Brigadier General "Wild Bill" McCain was a West Point graduate, and served under General Pershing in Mexico. Another West Point graduate, General Henry Pinkney McCain, fought in the Battle of Manila, was adjutant general of the Army and established the selective service during World War One. Various McCains served in the armies of the Confederacy during the Civil War, one branch of the family having settled in the mid-19th Century on a plantation in Carrol County, Mississippi. An ancestor served on General Washington's staff, and Washington himself is the Senator's cousin many times removed.

The Senator was the second of Jack and Roberta McCain's three children, arriving after his older sister, Sandy, and before his younger brother, Joe. His early life was nomadic as the family accompanied his father to various duty stations.

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Country First:

Donate to a Charitable Cause

Senator John McCain's remarkable record of leadership embody his lifetime commitment to service. In celebration of Senator McCain's service to others, please consider learning more about and supporting these two causes which were of critical importance to Senator McCain:

The McCain Institute Foundation
The McCain Institute Foundation is a tax-exempt 501C3 charitable organization founded to support the work of the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University. Guided by values that have animated the career of Senator John McCain and the McCain family for generations, the McCain Institute for International Leadership is dedicated to advancing character-driven global leadership based on security, economic opportunity, freedom and human dignity. LEARN MORE AND LEND YOUR SUPPORT.

Translational Genomics Research Institute
When TGen’s founder, Arizona-born Dr. Jeffrey Trent, was the Scientific Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health, Senator McCain was instrumental in convincing him to return to Arizona and bring new knowledge with him, establishing TGen in an effort to turn breakthroughs in genetic research into medical advances. Today, TGen is poised to take that knowledge and transform brain cancer research in honor of Senator McCain. We invite you to join us in honoring Senator John McCain with the establishment of the John S. McCain III Endowed Chair in Brain Cancer Research. LEARN MORE ABOUT GLIOBLASTOMA AND LEND YOUR SUPPORT.

Statements and Tributes

Statement from The Office of Senator John McCain

Senator John Sidney McCain III died at 4:28pm on August 25, 2018. With the Senator when he passed were his wife Cindy and their family. At his death, he had served the United States of America faithfully for sixty years.


Mourning the Departure of Senator John McCain

I was in the far northern reaches of Canada on a wilderness river when Senator John McCain died. We got to our endpoint—Nahanni Butte—where there was internet connection, and I learned that he passed away a few days earlier. It was not a surprise, obviously. Friends had been keeping me posted about his struggles and diminished strength through the summer. Still, it was a very sad day when I heard the news.


Tributes at the U.S. Naval Academy Honoring Senator John McCain Today

Tributes at the U.S. Naval Academy Honoring Senator John McCain today by General David H. Petraeus and Jack McCain.


Read More Statements

Remembering John McCain

Through a lifetime commitment to service, John McCain touched the lives of people everywhere he traveled. People from every corner of the world have shared their memories and thoughts about Senator McCain and we invite you to read some of the scrolling messages below. Please share your own memories below.

My sister and I went to A book signing at University of FL. He was overwhelming gracious and humble to the long line of people that were there. There were a lot tears shed that day. He was an American Hero. He was certainly one of mine.

-- Vicki, Florida

John McCain was the Executive Officer of VA174 when I was in A-7E RAG training at Cecil Field in the mid 1970s. He personally taught me low-level tactics, and weapons training at MCAS Yuma AZ. What a GREAT instructor, and motivator! And John had one of the most infectious senses of humor of anyone I have ever known. What an inspiration of a man!!

-- Richard, Idaho

I worked for Senator McCain presidential campaign. I was a coordinator for getting him on the Virginia primary ballot. I also work many hours during the campaign. I believe that he was a great American hero and someone who we should all strive to be emulate. Nobody did more for his country than the Senator, and I wish will my heart that he gets his final reward. I would like to extend my family sympathy. He provide my family the freedoms we enjoy.

-- Bob, Louisiana

John McCain Was a great man. His family can rest also because he is resting in piece. now. Again John was a great man. Thanks for every thing.

-- Raymond, Rhode Island

Rest well upon the mountain, mighty oak. May your work(s) speak for you throughout antiquity. America, and the world, have been magnificently blessed by Sen. McCain’s unparalleled service and sacrifice.

-- Gwendolyn & Rev. Louis, Pennsylvania

I just plain miss him....I had much interaction with him over the years and I just plain miss him ...there was never anyone like him and never will be...

-- Greta, Washington, D.C.

God Bless You Senator McCain. May you rest in peace and may the country you so heroically fought for find its way back from the current darkness- just like you would’ve wanted.

-- John, Colorado

We attempt to live up to the principles and standards you have lived your life. You are Hero not just for America but for the whole world.

-- Prof Alan, Canada

Thank You so Very Much. Bryan Brinegar

-- Bryan, California

Election 2008 inspired my son ( 13 year old at the time ) to be involved in politics. Together with me, we attended gatherings in support of John McCain. We believed that man of his moral standing was the ideal candidate for the presidency. Although, he didn't win, he continued to served the country in an exemplary manner. So very sorry for your loss. May the sweet memories be of solace at this painful time.

-- Nora, New Jersey

Sen. McCain was a true American hero, and an incredible American. I am proud to be part of a culture that, with the exception of the moronic, mendacious, slimy ball of fecal matter presently slumming in the WH, was proud to have John McCain as a part of, and a representative of this government; he was a true Man of the People, a warrior, and a man of ideals, who stood up for what he believed in, whatever the odds. Rest in Peace, Sen. McCain.

-- Kurt, California

Thank you for your years of dedication to the United States, your commitment to uphold the Constitution and contributions for human rights. You will be missed. God Speed Senator.

-- Tedi, Texas

A True Hero.

-- Dolores, Arizona

I always felt a sense of ease with Mr. McCain being in our country’s government. I could trust that he would fight for what was right and needed to be done. I love that he spoke his mind and said things outright. I wish all his family sincere wishes at this difficult time.

-- Rebecca, Ohio

God Blessed this nation with the gift of John McCain. He will be missed. Lets carry on with his honor.

-- Connie, Ohio

John McCain is one of the greatest men of my time. His honor, devotion and integrity was truly inspiring. I cried when I learned of his passing. I have not ever experienced such sadness for a person I have never met. I will miss John McCain. He was a true American hero.

-- Leitica, California

I worked on the last mccain campaign and I will never forget how much he respected his opponents. He was a class act and spoke well of all- even those who did not return the respect. Thank you Senator for teaching us was kindness and virtue looked like.

-- D, Arizona

he was a great senator from the state of Arizona. Anthony , Greenville

-- Anthony, North Carolina

I have been so inspired by John McCain. I wish he had become our president. God bless him and his family.

-- Kim, Virginia

Always proud of John every time we read about or listened to him on TV. He was not a great American...He was one of the Greatest Americans. He loved his family, his Senate and House friends, co-workers and the American people. Saddened by his capture, being a prisoner of war and always listening to news of him through those years. One of our happiest days was when he was released. God bless you and you family. You too are remarkable! We loved John McCain! He can never be replaced.??????????

-- William and Michele, Illinois

My thoughts and prayers are with the family of my friend (many years ago) John....he was the greatest......I will give a donation to the Humane Society in memory of our great Senator.....Peg Matteson. Solterra, Lakeside

-- Mrs Margaret F. Peg, Arizona

I appreciate his service to our country -

-- David, California

I met John in April 1964 in Pensacola FL where I was taking an orientation tour of Navy aviation. It was a top gun experience! I admired John while I served in the Navy during the Vietnam War and supported him in his congressional and presidential efforts thereafter. He was a man who continued to learn and contribute to his country right to the end. He will be missed. May God bless his family.

-- Charles, South Carolina

I ran into John several times in the early AM hours at Sky Harbor Airport. He was always quick with a smile to match my own. A great American. A great man. May his memory be blessed.

-- Jeff, Arizona

A truly great person in every way. I am proud he was our senator and represented Arizona well. Thank you so much for your service to the United States of America and God. He served all people. Thank you for representing us well. Rest in God. Love and highest regards for Senator John S. McCain and to his wife and family. God be with you all. Thank you.

-- Dominique A., Arizona

Thank you for your enduring service to our country. I voted for you in the 2008 Presidential election.

-- Marcie, Illinois

Thank you Senator McCain for your service & sacrifice to our country and your undying/unwavering commitment to make our country better for all. God speed and fly high. Gods blessings of peace to his family and friends.

-- Dana, Illinois

I have always followed late Sen. John McCain on his performance on the floor of the senate. Will personally miss him. R.I.P

-- Ikerave, Nigeria

Well, I didn't know Senator McCain personally, but when I heard about his cancer diagnosis, I started to pray and didn't stop. You, see I lost my mother Hallie Lousie Williams, last year 7/17/2017 to the same type of cancer. I was hoping the Maverick had one last trick up his sleeve. He will be missed!

-- Angela, Illinois

The senator was a friend of Bulgaria! R.I.P!

-- Stoyko, Bulgaria

John, May you Rest In Peace in heaven with God! You lived a life that shows the world what American is about! May God bless your family!

-- Jack, California

As just an ordinary citizen on the other side of the political spectrum, I didn't always agree with Senator McCain. But I admired his tenacity, his blatant love of the USA, his devotion to its citizens and his ability to work with the other side of the aisle (sometimes going against his own party's stance) to achieve meaningful legislation. He was one of the old guard who demonstrated integrity, wit and straight talk. The world was a better place with him in it and be assured his legacy will live on. Thank you to his family for sharing him with us. My sincerest condolences.

-- Renee, Florida

During 2000 primary, Sen. McCain gave a speech in Springfield NJ. I was police detective on security detail. He took time after speech to hang out with the cops and autographed his Faith of Our Fathers book for us. Real nice down to earth guy. A real American. Rest in Peace.

-- Judd, New Jersey

RIP fellow Vietnam Veteran. We met during your 2008 campaign and I was hopeful you would win the presidency. But it was not to be. Blue skies and tailwinds fellow pilot.

-- clyde, Michigan

The world has lost a great man. Thank you so much, Senator McCain. You have always been an inspiration. You would have been an amazing POTUS and a beacon for the entire free world. You have always been my hidden president. I salute you!

-- Andre, Germany

Peace with Lord.

-- Howard, California

God Bless John McCain. He was a true American Patriot and served our country extremely well. May he rest in eternal peace in The House of The Lord.

-- Stephen, New Jersey

We have lost the most consequential legislator on planet Earth. John McCain served as our very best ambassador for American values. The world is a better and more secure place because of John McCain. Sen. McCain’s legacy is that of a selfless public servant who jealously guarded and advanced American values wherever and whenever they were under threat. He was a role model for all of us in putting country ahead of personal interest. I will remember fondly the time I was fortunate to spend with him. His wisdom, his commitment to service, and his love of country were an inspiration. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for all of his contributions to Arizona, the nation, and the world, and we extend our deepest condolences to Cindy and his family.

-- Glenn, Arizona

In 2009, I was working as a physician in Phoenix and went to a meeting where John McCain was the guest speaker. After the speech, I was talking with some colleagues, turned around, and there was the Senator. I certainly did not expect that he would come out afterwards to talk with any of us. He shook my hand and thanked me for being a physician in the state. I stammered something about him always being an inspiration to me (I still have a copy of "Character is Destiny") that I am sure made little sense. Still - the fact that this important man would just come out and talk to local constituents like that always stuck with me. If the political winds had different timings, he would have been a superb President - but regardless he was a superb Senator and human being.

-- Marc, Colorado

John, you are a man of integrity and a man with true character. You will be missed and forever remembered. Thank you for your service to this great nation. You are a war hero and a real statesman.

-- Steve, Virginia

Good bye Senator McCain,thank you for your service, you were a real hero.. You'll be gone but never forgotten. Rest in peace

-- Rose, Massachusetts

he put his fellow soldiers before himself. He put the country before himself. That's what a hero is. John McCain is a true hero.

-- Fred, Florida

I voted for John McCain. He would have been a great president! However, he was a great senator and patriot!

-- Dean, Colorado

I remember him in Peterborough N.H. the night before the 2008 election.

-- Stephen, Massachusetts

My greatest memory is working on his campaign for President. I was a volunteer on the ground floor of HQ in Crystal City. The room suddenly filled with volunteers. We were told John & Cindy were on their way. They arrived to a packed room with news cameras following. I was standing off to the side. The news wanted a photo with a volunteer after he spoke to us. He looked over at me and drew me into the picture. What a day! Sympathies to family and friends!

-- Sally, Virginia

I was a Democrat, but when John ran for President, I'd always said that if he ever ran , I would support him. Party didn't matter as much to me as the intent and decency of the candidate. John is the reason I became a bipartisan ..until trump...and I will be again when integrity is restored to the GOP... by emulating John's ethics. It can honestly be said that John was a "great man", that only comes along in decades. I wasn't prepared, though I knew it might come. Even now, John helps us differentiate the split screen contrast between revered and notoriety. He helped us through the troubled days of late while he was here, and will be the inspiration for us to regain our country's place in the world. I will remember you, John.

-- Jenneva, Arizona

Iconic example of "A good man"

-- Leo, New Zealand

Sadness on the passing of a true American hero. As a fellow USNA graduate I have always admired him. During his 50th reunion at the Academy (during his Presidential run) he took the time to come and address my class 35th reunion. A class act, he will truly be missed.

-- William, Virginia

Rest in heaven , you will be truly miss , praying for the family may God give you all strength as y’all grieve over your love one

-- Sharhonda, Louisiana

As I sit and listen to the life of Senator John McCain, I knew about his time as captured solider, his friendship with Senator Edward Kennedy. So much can be said about his work as Senator to our nation.I respected him because he put country before party. He ran for President twice and both the men that he ran against both President's Bush and Obama will speak at his funeral service. So to honor his life we all should try to bring back kindness in our lives. To speak the truth, own to our errors and poor judgement. Stop with calling the truth lies, to stop name calling,to respect the press. Not saying this is fake etc. Will everything be perfect in our country no. But take this time to reflect on TRUE patriots of America. That was Senator John McCain. My prayers to his family and Friends

-- tracey, Pennsylvania

Thank You

We are truly grateful for the outpouring of support and comfort our family has received during this time of great loss. Your letters and messages remind us of the incredible impact John's life has had on so many people from Arizona, across the country, and around the world. John lived every day with vigor, vitality, and an insatiable desire to serve the country he deeply loved. While we've lost a central part of our family and an irreplaceable American leader, we can all honor John's life by continuing his legacy of service and leaving this world a better place for generations to come.

-- The McCain Family

If so inclined, flowers may be sent to your local VA Hospital. Thank you.