Thank you John McCain for your loyal service and the time you spent in in OUR HONOR. Rest in Peace.
-- dana, Florida
He was a statesman and a servant of the people. Rest in peace, and peace and comfort to his family.
-- Matt, Montana
I saw John McCain, during the time he was a POW, he protected other POW from being tortured. He told me that a Vietnam, soldier came to his cell and ask him if it is true that US Carriers
have a swimming pool? To prevent any harm or torture to the prisoner that said this, he answered;
" Yes; some have 2 pools".
-- Alfredo, Florida
A true hero and patriot. We thank him for his service, love and courage for our Country. He was always there with sincere help when called upon. Our condolences go out to his family during this time. God bless him and may he Rest In Peace with Our Lord.
-- Sandra, Arizona
I just like him, without reservation, one of a kind human being who brings up high the core value we all shall fight to keep.
-- Helen, Canada
While I didn’t always agree with Senator McCain, he was a patriot, and on two occasions I wrote him, he either answered or sent my letter to my congressman. I admired him, and even if I didn’t always agree, I thought he was a patriot, a man who went thru a living hell so many of us can’t imagine, and he served his country with honor and A sense of what was right. May God bless him always!
-- Carlos, Texas
Thank you Senator.
-- Joe, Pennsylvania
Rest In Peace John... You will be missed.
-- Alvin, Oregon
My dear maverick will truly miss you is going to be difficult without writing letters to you an email I will never forget the graciousness your wife displaying at the parties of Fourth of July in 2000 and 2001 will be parties that I truly will treasure now you are with your heroes Barry Goldwater, William T Garland, mote Mo Udall and other great Arizonans including the classy Gov. Rose Mulford your example of not putting anybody down will be a countless example in US history illustrated talk express one of the best memories of my young adult life as I stated in your last letter that that hope you had a chance to see I said that the maverick force be with you Megan Cindy and the rest of him became family I mourn your loss your loss is my loss as well!!
-- Ted, Arizona
It’s hard to imagine American political life without Senator John McCain. His departure leaves a void of congressional leadership, of national security thought and moral direction that seems nearly impossible to fill. If ever there were a moment when his presence is necessary, this tumultuous time in our country’s politics is it. The country - and the world - are better for his service to them both.
It is also difficult to imagine my own life without John McCain. The years I spent on his staff, and every day I've known him since, has been a personal and professional privilege. I joined his office while in my twenties, not quite knowing the amazing adventure that would unfold over the next half-decade. Legislative victories and defeats, jokes and war stories and history lessons, trips to Iraq and Uzbekistan and the South Pole - all with a certain presidential campaign thrown into the mix - this was the stuff my experience.
It was extraordinary, and I count myself among the very luckiest: those honored to know John McCain.
Like so many, I will miss him dearly. But our sorrow should be leavened by the transformative effects he left on the views and careers of his Senate colleagues, staff and friends. Senator McCain's fingerprints are all over America’s law and policy, our institutions and even the way in which Americans think of ourselves and our role in the world. And in all this, he leaves behind something far, far greater than himself – a legacy which is, by his own reckoning, the best measure of a meaningful life.
-- Richard, Virginia
Thank you for standing up for a free press and the First Amendment. And being honest about mistakes you made in life. We all have made some. It's called being human. You will be sorely missed!
-- Kerry, Arizona
Rest In Peace Senator McCain. You inspired every person to reach higher and to be the best version of themselves, as you were, in service to your country and to mankind. Thank you for your service.
-- Sonia Garcia, Virginia
He was the first, and only politician who spoke for me-- a Vietnam vet. Rest In Peace
-- David, Vermont
Let's put aside politics remember John McCain for putting his life on the line for our country family that has to live without him he's asleep no more pain beautiful memories bless his family
-- Sharon, Nevada
There is a belief that great people are even greater and have more influence in the after life. Certainly we can hope that Senator McCain will watch over us and continue to protect us from his new standing.
-- Joseph, Nevada
Thank you for your years of service to the country, not only in the military but in the senate. You are a true American hero and you will be missed. Rest in peace, sir.
-- Melanie, Colorado
Heard him speak to our PAC when he was running for Senator: He mentioned that he got through his POW days by having faith in 3 things: his fellow soldiers (they would rescue him if they could); his Country (they would never forget him and they would rescue him if they could); his God (he was always with him) - I am paraphrasing what he said but I admired him greatly from that day forward. A wonderful man!!!
-- Charlotte, California
Dear family members of the late U.S Senator John McCain,
All members of Tam Bao Temple in Baton Rouge, Louisiana we send our condolences as well as compassionate energy to show love and highly respect to you and all your family members. Without doubt, you have created a wonderful life for U.S citizens. You have also dedicated to support many Vietnamese political prisoners as well as to make a new chapter for both nations; Vietnam and America. Your contributions will be forever in our hearts.
Our sincerest condolences,
Tam Bao Temple
Thich Dao Quang
-- Thay, Louisiana
While I have never met John in person, I have followed his career with great admiration for his honesty and patriotic stance along with his strong support for our military. When we heard of his diagnosis of Glioblastoma it hit home hard as our adult son Douglas Fadely, was diagnosed with the same brain tumor in July of 2016. Doug is still doing well after surgery in July, 2016 and further treatments but it is like a time bomb. Our hearts go out to John's family and we know the suffering is over for John and he is living now in a pain free kingdom. We have lost a great man and we loved him dearly from afar.
-- Jan, Florida
A brave, honorable man whose character and moral compass is a beacon for us all.
-- Bruce, New York
Sen. McCain was a true American hero, and an incredible American. I am proud to be part of a culture that, with the exception of the moronic, mendacious, slimy ball of fecal matter presently slumming in the WH, was proud to have John McCain as a part of, and a representative of this government; he was a true Man of the People, a warrior, and a man of ideals, who stood up for what he believed in, whatever the odds. Rest in Peace, Sen. McCain.
-- Kurt, California
John McCain set the highest moral example for all of us, regardless of political affiliation, to uphold. I pray that his example will resonate throughout political circles and that civil discourse will return to the seats of power in our country. It was my highest honor to shake the hand of this great man during his presidential campaign in Kansas City. May we all live by the example of a life of service and civility that John McCain epitomized. Thank you, God, for the life of John McCain and for giving him the strength of spirit to endure and keep fighting for what he believed in and the America he cherished. Farewell, Senator. We are all blessed to have known you and have you among us!
-- JAMES, Missouri
I am unknown to John, but he is highly regarded by me and many people in Australia, a fine person who many could emulate if they wanted to be a fine person. You have been and continue to be an inspiring person to me and many others. RIP Sir.
-- Paul, Australia
I met the Senator at a state Republican meeting when I was a precinct committeeman. He shook my hand warmly and thanked me for what I did. No, thank you, Senator McCain! You are a true American hero! God bless!
-- Mary, Arizona
I admired him very much as did my late husband. We were proud to support his candidacy for the Presidency. He was a great man on many levels and will be missed.
-- Sarah, Wisconsin
My sister and I went to A book signing at University of FL. He was overwhelming gracious and humble to the long line of people that were there. There were a lot tears shed that day. He was an American Hero. He was certainly one of mine.
-- Vicki, Florida
Honorably served and will be missed!!
-- Beverly, Arizona
Death can never take a good man away, for in the hearts of the people he inspired, his legacy remains and continues throughout generations.
Sen. John S. McCain will never be forgotten. May his soul rest in peace.
Please accept my humble condolences.
-- Jean Marc, Belgium
I voted for John for president! I too was a Vietnam veteran! I always looked to him as a leader! He voted his heart and beliefs! John put his country first!
-- Gary, Montana
I ran into John years ago. He was running through the Phoenix airport on his way back to Washington. He carried his own suitcase instead of leaving that chore to his assistant.
When I said, "Hello, Senator!" he stopped, gave me that big smile, and chatted for a few moments, despite the fact that he was obviously in a great hurry. What a guy!
-- John, Nebraska
In awe of his amazing service to this country! Well done. Prayers for comfort and lasting memories of laughter for all.
-- Sonya, Maryland
My entire job experience has been in one way or another working for Senator John McCain. His presidential staff hired me two days out of college, and I have been a proud member of Team McCain ever since. John McCain taught me the importance of hard work, the fact that sometimes setbacks are actually doors opening elsewhere, and the true meaning of being an American….(and that campaigns build character and are the best place to find friends and teammates.) I will miss Senator McCain so much, but I know his legacy lives on in all of us that knew him and those who will read his books, study his legacy and strive to make our nation safer and stronger.
-- Whitney, Virginia
To the McCain Family
Although I did not know Senator McCain personally,I respected him greatly. As a veteran, he made me proud!
Master Sergeant, USAF, RETIRED
-- Cassandra, Alabama
I met Senator McCain three times, once at a campaign rally in 2000 which is memorialized with a photo of him with me and my wife. We met more privately two other times where we discussed Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. I knew I was in the presence of an American patriot. At a time when are challenged at home and abroad his ,eacership will be sorely missed.
-- David, New Mexico
Our country most definitely lost a hero. I am proud that I reside in the same state as John McCain. He will be greatly missed.
-- Lynne, Arizona
My deepest sympathy to the family. We have lost a. great hero and statesman.
-- Joseph, Connecticut
Thank you for your enduring service to our country. I voted for you in the 2008 Presidential election.
-- Marcie, Illinois
Our deepest condolences. Senator McCain was a true American Hero, a maverick and not just an individual that cared deeply for his friends, family and loved ones but a Senator who fought for the people and cared deeply for every American. Rest In Peace Senator, your work is done
John Connors
-- John, New Hampshire
Thank you for your service to this country. Dedication to our country is hard to find.
-- John A, Florida
Truly will be missed and a great person .And rest in peace.
-- Greg, Colorado
Condolences to the McCain family - Sen. McCain was the best of the best, somebody with an unbreakable spirit. We need more like you, lots more.
-- Tina, California
The world has lost a great man. Thank you so much, Senator McCain. You have always been an inspiration. You would have been an amazing POTUS and a beacon for the entire free world. You have always been my hidden president. I salute you!
-- Andre, Germany
John McCain met my dad, sister, and niece on the Campaign trail. My dad had cancer. He invited them on his bus. My dad brought along a photo album of me and my tour in Iraq where I was serving. He took the time to look at every picture and told my dad the places he visited (he had come to Iraq to visit us troops). His visit with my dad was one of the best moments in my dad's life. I wrote John McCain from Iraq thanking him for visiting the troops. My dad gave him my letter and he wrote me back personally. I will cherish his letter and the impact he had on my family. Thank you for your service Mr. McCain. I salute you. God Bless you and your family.
-- Gale, Florida
I lived on the site of his bombing target in Hanoi (2015-2016) next to the lake he landed in. Everyday I walked past his memorial - John McCain, Air Force! The Vietnamese could not understand how a man flying was not in the Air Force. I visited Hoa Lo (Hanoi Hilton) often and found the display of his rescue photos heart wrenching. I have always had absolute respect for John McCain. For his service, his leadership, his willingness to do what's right even if it costs, and for his candor. God Bless John McCain and may he rest in richly deserved peace.
-- Karen, Pennsylvania
I never met John Mccain, but he stood out from many powerful and priviliged people. He always put others before himself. He adopted children from destitute countries. McCain family, stay close to God because that is where he is at now. May God bless Senator John McCain and his family.
-- Andre, California
When I think of the legacy of John McCain I think of a man who was so humble, that he cared more about what God thought about him, than what others believed. He did not follow the crowd, nor run with whatever the latest fad was to be. Honesty and the ability to see through all the rhetoric was the mainstay of this wonderful patriot. We could all learn a lot from him and I hope those in government take a moment to realize who and what they have lost. Our country has grown a bit poorer with his passing...
-- Dave, California
I wish all American would read this hero store. We must all come together in America and be more like him! I will work harder in my live. God Bless Mr.McCain and His Family
-- Mark, Louisiana
I had an unexpected moment at Reagan Airport when Senator McCain stood about 15 feet away from me. We were both on the curb waiting for our respective rides. I was trying not to stare but also hoping to confirm to myself whether he was truly the Senator or not. I had determined he was the real deal, so while loading my suitcase, I felt compelled to shout, "Thank you Senator! We are so grateful for your service!" He turned towards me with a smile and a wave. As we left, I felt a bit emotional at having been able to express sincere appreciation in a fleeting moment of opportunity. I am so glad he heard me. If more of us could have the heart, mind, courage and determination of John McCain, much would be improved in our society. Our love, gratitude and sympathy to all of you.
-- Christine, Utah
Godspeed Senator McCain.
-- Stanley, Maryland
Senator McCain was a fearless, principled statesman. Honor was an integral part of his character and his service to our country an exemplary example of what a hero is. His arms were wide and strong enough to reach across the aisle of his political rivals to make our world a better place for all of us. I am a Democrat and I really liked this exceptional representative of the Republican Party. It is with much sorrow to say goodbye to him but I am grateful for his years of service and to his family. Thank you all so very much.
-- Eva, California