The only thing is to pray for him. May God RIP.
-- mafuli, Florida
While I was a POW in several prisons in Hanoi, John McCain was an inspiration for me to make it "one more day." It was a distinct honor to help in his 2008 Presidential Campaign. He would have been a terrific President! GBU JSM
-- Tom, South Carolina
I had the opportunity to see Senator Mc Cain on a Southwest flight arriving in Baltimore. When we got off the plane I was able to run and follow him and speak to him. He was very gracious and thanked me! I have followed his career over many years. Please accept my condolences. He will be sorely missed!
-- Priscilla, Massachusetts
I had an unexpected moment at Reagan Airport when Senator McCain stood about 15 feet away from me. We were both on the curb waiting for our respective rides. I was trying not to stare but also hoping to confirm to myself whether he was truly the Senator or not. I had determined he was the real deal, so while loading my suitcase, I felt compelled to shout, "Thank you Senator! We are so grateful for your service!" He turned towards me with a smile and a wave. As we left, I felt a bit emotional at having been able to express sincere appreciation in a fleeting moment of opportunity. I am so glad he heard me. If more of us could have the heart, mind, courage and determination of John McCain, much would be improved in our society. Our love, gratitude and sympathy to all of you.
-- Christine, Utah
In 2010, my father, an Air Force veteran of the Korean War needed assisted living care. I learned about the aid and attendance benefit offered by the VA. The paperwork to apply was quite difficult. However, once we completed it and submitted it, I contacted Senator McCain to see if he could assist in expediting the processing of my father's application. Senator McCain did, and my father's application was soon thereafter approved. My eternal thanks are with Senator McCain. He did so much for so many, and his service will never be forgotten.
-- Chip, Arizona
My memories of the Senator involve being introduced by LtCol Orson Swindle, USMC, POW, his and my friend. Will not write long, I admired the Senator for all the reasons others have said, but most of all because HE was a real patriot , and we as a strong Nati0n, in his image, will prevail.
-- Col Bob, Maine
As an immigrant, I am proud of all your legacy, we will miss you Senator Mc. Cain for his brave and resilient personality. The world needs more heroes like you. God bless all your family.
-- Ismar, Texas
Have never had the pleasure of meeting him am 80 years old and he is my choice to have dinner with so much respect for him. Would love to thank him for his service to mankind and country
-- Gayle, South Carolina
A true American hero. May God rest his soul
-- Neal, Connecticut
Thank you for your sacrifice and service. You endured more than we could ever know. I appreciated your honesty and truth....even though I may not have always agreed. I supported and voted for you in 2008 because of you love of country and honesty. Rest in peace sir! Prayers for the entire McCain family as you grieve the loss of this great man. May God and Americans wrap you in hugs and prayers. May God Bless America!
-- Chris, Ohio
Please accept my sincerest condolences on the loss of your dear husband, father, warrior and true patriot. We are fortunate to follow in his footsteps, with the passion, grace and integrity that he evinced every day. Take what comfort you can knowing we will honour his memory by striving for the highest standards of conduct and service to that which is larger than ourselves.
-- Michaela, Canada
He inspired me to get re engaged with my country
I called for days in support for campaign finance reform
I hope his passing inspires people to come together
I’ll never forget him
Thank You
Gary DeRogatis
-- Gary, New Jersey
I met the character of John McCain within the pages of his book, Faith of My Fathers, well-matched with his conduct as a man. It describes the ground of his action and the enduring worth of his cherished commitments. Whatever shortcomings each person exercises in life or fame which endures, it is the reason for it that all makes sense. Their works do follow them. Rest in Peace.
-- Herbert, California
A true American. He had more guts than any other president.
-- Mir, Bangladesh
he was a great senator from the state of Arizona.
Anthony , Greenville
-- Anthony, North Carolina
It was an honor to do what I could. I was there for him during his Presidential campaign. He would have been a super President. I wished that I had known him better. Prayers and GOD's comfort be with the family as you grieve. He was one of a kind. Will be missed by many.
-- peggy, Arizona
From one sailor to another. Fair winds and calm seas. I may not have always agreed with you but I have always respected you.
-- MARK, Arizona
A tender touch, hardly felt but with a widespread impact. John McCain’s work on leadership is far reaching like a fire in a wild wind. McCain's character of selfless devotion to country & global influence is empowering next generation leaders worldwide.
-- Mira, Sierra Leone
I am so saddened to learn of Senator McCain's passing. He is the epitome of patriotism, leadership, a true man of substance, character, morality, compassion and love. He served the United States and her people selflessly - always putting the welfare of others first. There is no one like him in that he was an exceptional man and will live forever as an example of what we should all aspire to be. He continues to serve in spirit and legacy as an inspiration and as the gold standard and essence of true American patriotism. This country was made better because of John McCain. If we could all be more like him just think how much better the world would be. Thank you John McCain for sharing yourself with us - we love you and will forever carry you in our hearts. You are forever our hero!
-- Amy, Oklahoma
I considered him a wonderful honest politician. A man of the people.
-- Ruth Lee, New York
I never had the honor of meeting John and shaking his hand personally, but did work as a volunteer lobbying for him from my Michigan home in several elections, Senatorial and Presidential. John was a shining example of clear-sighted ideals, a paragon of patriotism in our government, and showed what it meant to be a "Man of the People". Indeed, he taught by example even in adversity's face the meaning of "being a man". He understood the importance of a strong military and the strength of our great Constitution. I treasure a personal note of thanks he once sent for my lobbying efforts. Truly, "The Man Who Should Be King" (correction: President). Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt, whom he honorably stands shoulder to shoulder with, would be proud. As are all true Americans, and heavy-hearted, as am I. A righteous, honorable man! May God rest his soul!
-- Jim, Michigan
Praying for the family of John McCain at this time of loss. I grew up inspired by his focus and dedication to serve the people of our country. His story is one that embellished the American dream, a true American Hero. His memory will be an example that will continue to inspire the people of this great country. God bless.
-- Tim, Georgia
He was a gentleman and a man of dignity. Serving his country with respect.
-- Cathy, Georgia
Senator John McCain was truly an American Hero and an inspiration for all regardless of party or political orientation, as he understood the requirements of our form of government and put them into practical use, recognizing that the nation was more important than any party. His passing is a great loss to his family and the nation.
-- Robert, California
As just an ordinary citizen on the other side of the political spectrum, I didn't always agree with Senator McCain. But I admired his tenacity, his blatant love of the USA, his devotion to its citizens and his ability to work with the other side of the aisle (sometimes going against his own party's stance) to achieve meaningful legislation. He was one of the old guard who demonstrated integrity, wit and straight talk. The world was a better place with him in it and be assured his legacy will live on. Thank you to his family for sharing him with us. My sincerest condolences.
-- Renee, Florida
I send my heartfelt condolences to a man that fought the fight in so many ways ...probably the hardest fight was the horrible disease called cancer.May he RIP.So sorry to his family.
-- Marion, New York
I always admired his clear stands and his military career. The US lost one of their moral leaders in a time of uncertainness. Rest in peace
-- Alexander, Germany
I really want to extend my most heartfelt sympathy to Sen. McCain's family. While I didn't always agree with his politics, I ALWAYS admired his integrity, honor, and humility. It makes his loss doubly sorrowful in the political climate of today. While I didn't know him personally, I feel confident that he was a truly good man all the way down to his soul. I believe we can all learn something from his life, and we should strive to be as true a person as he was. And again, my deepest sympathy to all of his family. He will be missed.
-- Sheri, California
I lost my big role model!
-- Chris, Germany
Thank you Senator McCain for raising the bar and being a great leader to us. You will be missed dearly.
-- Raymond, Arizona
I was a huge fan of Senator McCain. Unfortunately, as a Canadian, I could not vote for him but I did get to meet him in New Hampshire when he was first running for President and get him to sign his book. I have met a lot of politicians and VIPs in my life but he is the one who impressed me the most. I cannot help but feel that American and world politics would be much improved had he become President but they are at least a whole better for his extraordinary life and contributions. Rest in peace, Senator
-- Tim, Canada
I'm from Indiana he was a great person he will be missed I remember when he ran for president and wondered why he had arm problems then I found out he was a war vet
-- Rev. Joshua, Indiana
My condolences to to the family of Senator McCain. Its very difficult to find a man and a Hero like Senator McCain in this century. My prayers will always be with him.
Sayed Monis MD
-- SAYED, California
You are a tough act to follow and will be missed. America thanks you for your service.
-- Vicki, Montana
I lived on the site of his bombing target in Hanoi (2015-2016) next to the lake he landed in. Everyday I walked past his memorial - John McCain, Air Force! The Vietnamese could not understand how a man flying was not in the Air Force. I visited Hoa Lo (Hanoi Hilton) often and found the display of his rescue photos heart wrenching. I have always had absolute respect for John McCain. For his service, his leadership, his willingness to do what's right even if it costs, and for his candor. God Bless John McCain and may he rest in richly deserved peace.
-- Karen, Pennsylvania
I am not a Republican by any means, however I respect John McCain for who he is and what he represents even today after his death. History will judge him as a Hero. He is a true Hero and a man of honor regardless what president Trump and other critics thinks or said about him. May God bless his soul and his family. McCain will be missed for ever. We need a man or woman like McCain today who would stand for what is right regardless of politics. Rest in peace McCain! the Lord has a special place for you in heaven.
-- Fenel, Arizona
I never personally met John McCain... yet, because of how he lived politically and how he bore true suffering at his captors hands because he couldn’t leave before his turn... I have always deeply respected him. I feel like our country has lost a marker and standard of honor with his passing. I will miss his ‘maveric’ style and his obvious desire for Country first during decisions in the Senate. All of us are better people for having had the glimpse of a man like him. God Bless the family of Senator John McCain, and thank you for sharing him with me.
-- Nancy, Washington
What a hero. What a legend. What an Example For All Of Us ! There are so many great things that we could say about this man, but the bottom line is for all the misery he went through as a Vietnam POW, he still wanted to serve his country. He never gave up and I think that would be what he would say to all of us today..Never Give Up !! Thank you John McCain for never giving up.
-- Steve, Georgia
I met Sen. McCain in 1997 during my tenure as Chairman of the RNHA. It was a priviledge to count on him and his staff to engage in different issues related to our Hispanic community for four years. He never said no, his doors were always open and was always ready to step forward.
Later, in 2008, I had the honor to be his Delegate at the National Convention held in Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Always an Officer and a Gentleman! He will be missed.
RIP Captain John McCain, USN (Ret)
-- Jose, Virginia
I thank you for your service. You are loved and cherished by the country you loved and served so bravely. I will miss you.
-- Emmy, Florida
-- WILLIAM, Kansas
I met John McCain in 1985, when he spoke to my graduating class at Washington HS. I became a supporter and follower of his from that day forward. He was an amazing man with strong values. Arizona and America will not be the same without him.
-- Brent, Arizona
Senator McCain was an honorable man, a patriot who served our country guided by his conscience. History will remember him well.
My heart goes out to his family and I pray the Lord will embrace and comfort them.
-- Candace, Delaware
My father graduated in 1938 from USNA and served in WWII and was always proud to serve his country. I identify with the loyalty with which John McCain served God and his country. May you be comforted in knowing he is reaping his reward in heaven.
-- Barbara Dimmick, North Carolina
I ran into John several times in the early AM hours at Sky Harbor Airport. He was always quick with a smile to match my own. A great American. A great man. May his memory be blessed.
-- Jeff, Arizona
You set the example for us to follow. Well done my friend! Now take your place in the Kingdom of God.
-- Texanna, Florida
Greatest hero of our time. Thank you for the examples you have set.
-- Lien, Maryland
I served a tour of duty in Vietnam between 1968 and 1969 just after Tet. I was also stationed in Panama while Senator McCain' s father was the Base Commander at Amador, Canal Zone so the name and service of the McCain family has always been highly respected for their superb service to our country. Senator McCain will be missed more then we know. My deepest sympathy for his family and may he rest in peace - more then anyone I know, he earned it!
-- Edward, Nevada
In 2009, I was working as a physician in Phoenix and went to a meeting where John McCain was the guest speaker. After the speech, I was talking with some colleagues, turned around, and there was the Senator. I certainly did not expect that he would come out afterwards to talk with any of us. He shook my hand and thanked me for being a physician in the state. I stammered something about him always being an inspiration to me (I still have a copy of "Character is Destiny") that I am sure made little sense. Still - the fact that this important man would just come out and talk to local constituents like that always stuck with me. If the political winds had different timings, he would have been a superb President - but regardless he was a superb Senator and human being.
-- Marc, Colorado
My prayers to all his family and may he Rest In Peace . It would of been a great privilege to of meet such a man my condolences to all of his loved ones
-- Maria, California